Luke 10:2 is a verse full of tremendous truth for Christians. Here is a Bible study I put together to look at this verse and learn from it. I hope it is a blessing and encouragement to you!
Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. Luke 10:2
Using Luke 10, answer the following questions:
Who is Jesus speaking to?
What’s the context of this verse, what is happening when Jesus says this? (Read Luke 10:1)
Jesus tells us there’s a problem with the harvest. The harvest is ____________ but there are only ____________ laborers.
How does Jesus want us to address this problem?
How are we to pray?
Who are we praying to?
Whose harvest is this, who does the harvest belong to?
How can I apply this in my life and in my church?
Additional Insights and Devotional Thoughts
• In Luke 10:2 Jesus tells us to “pray” to the Lord to send out more laborers to the harvest. The word translated “pray” isn’t the typical word for prayer. Luke 5:12 gives us an example of what Jesus means for us to “pray.” Luke 5:12 tells us, “And it came to pass, when he was in a certain city, behold a man full of leprosy: who seeing Jesus fell on his face, and besought him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.” The word “besought” in Luke 5:12 is the same word translated “pray” in Luke 10:2! When Jesus tells us to pray for God to send laborers to the harvest, He’s telling us to pray like the leper who fell on his face and begged for Jesus to cleanse him of his leprosy. The leper knew he was helpless so he looked to the One that had the power to heal him. He prayed with conviction, he prayed with urgency, he prayed with humility. That is powerful prayer!
• When Jesus says “pray” the verb tense is an imperative. In other words, it is a command. Jesus didn’t make this a suggestion, He expected His disciples to pray!
• When Jesus tells us to pray that the Lord would “send forth” laborers, the verb tense for “send forth” is in the present tense. The present tense means something is happening in real time, it’s happening as we speak. So when we pray, we are asking God to send laborers right now, at the very moment we are praying!
• The harvest belongs to the Lord! Our job is to pray (Luke 10:2) and then go into the harvest (Luke 10:3). Before we go to work, we are to pray for more co-workers! Because it’s the Lord’s harvest, we can trust the results to Him!
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